Trendpaper Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles
Full speed ahead: The future landscape of Electric Vehicle (EV) battery technology
Trendpaper Autonomous Driving
Full speed ahead: What patents
can tell us about the future
landscape of autonomous driving
Trendpaper Technologische Trends im Maschinenbau analysieren & Innovationen früh schützen (DE)
Am Beispiel 3D Druck
Whitepaper Der Einkauf als Gamechanger (DE)
Der Strategische Einkauf als Schlüsselfunktion für Ihren Unternehmenserfolg
Zweiteilige Artikelserie in weAutomate: KI in der Industrie (DE)
Teil 1: Maschinelles Lernen in der Industrie umsetzen
Zweiteilige Artikelserie in weAutomate: KI in der Industrie (DE)
Teil 2: Wie Patentschutz für künstliche Intelligenz gelingt
Article: Brand Valuation: Monetary brand valuation in financial engineering
We are pleased to announce that our article has been published in The Trademark Lawyer.
The intralogistics technology dashboard was created in cooperation with the Intralogistik-Netzwerk BW to provide intralogistics system providers with an intuitive management dashboard and to offer you real added value with this tool.
It not only enables a technological analysis, but also the recognition and interpretation of important industry developments.
The dashboard is available as a free version (Basic version) and full version (Professional version).
The basic version can be accessed conveniently and easily at any time through your Internet browser and can be used indefinitely. With this version you get a taste of the technology dashboard and its features.
In the professional version you unlock the areas of trend analysis and analysis of specific technologies. In addition, you can use other functions such as interactive handling of the dashboard and drill through to view the underlying data.