PATEV Innovation Intelligence in the PwC Store
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Innovative strength alone does not ensure corporate success – just as smart analysis tools do not automatically generate added value for the business strategy. That’s why we build a customized technology database, edited and moderated for our customers’ goals.
Decision making for your NEW business with confidence:
Identify new technologies for your markets?
Identify new markets for your technologies?
Entscheidungen in VIER Aufgabenfeldern:
Did you know that over 80% of the world’s knowledge about technologies and their application is found in patent literature? PATEV transforms this valuable Big Data source into Right Data, in English, regardless of the source language. PATEV Innovation Intelligence delivers much more than “just another patent tool” with colorful charts. We define the goal and task in a joint assessment and develop an individual and interactive Innovation Intelligence Dashboard. Custom made for your topics and projects, experts and managers can easily use this tool. With the right answers to the important questions about technological competencies and activities.
We would be happy to show you the potential of our Innovation Intelligence using selected examples or to prepare a non-binding initial analysis for your project.
What do customers want and what are the (new) needs of the industry? Are regional characteristics relevant?
Are you looking for the best match for the sale or acquisition of a company?
Are you looking for the right partner(s) for new development projects?
Are you looking for new suppliers for products or technologies via strategic purchasing?
Edited and moderated database - custom-made and ready2use
Intuitive use - without previous knowledge in handling patent data
Highly flexible evaluations for individual questions
Expert support for interpretation & utilization of the results
Bei Bedarf unterstützen wir unsere Kunden auch dabei, aus den gewonnenen Analyse-Ergebnissen Mehrwerte zu generieren: Unter anderem identifizieren unsere Experten gemeinsam mit der F&E-Abteilung schutzrechtsrelevante Erfindungen, bauen frühzeitig Basisschutzrechte auf und formulieren konkrete Beschreibungen – für eine lukrative Entwicklungsroadmap und eine zukunftsorientierte Positionierung.
Mit unserem breiten Netzwerk renommierter Partner bieten wir modulare und ganzheitliche Konzepte: Full Service von der Innovation-Intelligence-Analyse über den Invention Workshop bis zum marktreifen Produkt. Sie entscheiden, welche Schritte Sie mit uns gehen möchten.
How do the most important ...
Under “Resources” you will find all of our publications around Innovation Intelligence to download.